As I embark upon my first week of teaching I am comforted by a few facts. First, that I will have a buddy as a co-teacher. Together we are stronger and can traverse even the murkiest of waters. Second, that time management is a reoccurring obstacle, and one which most teachers wrestle with continuously. And third, that I know I will make mistakes during the week but that this is okay since I am still actively learning how to be an effective teacher as well as how to navigate my new outdoor classrooms. Collectively, these three elements will influence how I plan to teach next week.
Having a co-teacher helps because we are simply sharing the work load; realizing that I don’t have to do everything myself helped lower my stress level. We each brought ideas and plans to the table and together molded a delightfully unique plan for the week. This manner of collaboration has extended beyond my co-teacher, as I have conferred with others in my cohort for tips and tricks. I aim to continue this collaboration throughout my teaching career, keeping my lessons and methods fresh and flexible.
Time management seems to be a reoccurring hindrance for many teachers. Negotiating this will be tricky, but realizing that the schedule isn’t the priority will help once I am in the field. Witnessing flexibility and creativity in action with field groups was a wonderful lesson. Regardless of how much planning goes into a lesson, rarely will it go exactly according to plan; so I will embrace the challenge and do the best I can so that my students and I have the best possible learning experience. Which ties into my third realization…
Mistakes will be made because I am still learning, much like my students. Things will be left out of instructions or I may take a wrong turn on a trail route, but we are all in this journey together and we are all learning from each other. Consciously recognizing those mistakes will also ideally reduce the likelihood of repeating them. So I will be patient with myself and do my best; striving to continuously present a cheery and smiling face to the world even when I stumble.
Terrific narrative with these photos really helped make the final product exceptional. I especially appreciated your thoughts on your next steps based on the evidence from the student work, as well as the picture of your board to provide more context.